There was a buzz of excitement as people gathered at Guilford Young College for the 2017Memorial Lecture. Fr Frank Moloney, a well-known scripture scholar, addressed the gathering on the topic:
The Word of God in the Life of the Church: Have We Failed?
In bold brush strokes, Fr Frank described the historical background of his topic before addressing our present day situation and the challenges it poses for truly hearing the Word of God with its power to change our lives. Towards the end of the lecture, Fr Frank addressed the question: Have we failed? The answer is neither a straight out “yes” or “no”. But much more needs to be done if the Word of God is to work its full potential in the life of the Church and its mission in the world.
The Lecture was organised by the Hobart branch of the John Wallis Foundation. Its members prepared a beautiful reflection to set the tone for the evening. Chris Smith, the inaugural Chair of the John Wallis Foundation and now a member of the Hobart Branch, was MC for the event. Fr Graham Howard introduced Fr Frank Moloney. After the lecture the most of the audience availed themselves of a delicious supper and took the opportunity to socialise, meeting old friends and making new ones. Congratulations, Hobart JWF Branch.