15/08/22 | News, Newsletters
The first edition of our e-newsletter is now here. There is so much to share, including updates on the Healing and Belonging through Culture projects in Roma, Queensland, and stories and photos from a range of our current Small Grants programs; from a new seedling...
19/04/22 | Events, Grant Stories, News, Newsletters
We hope you enjoy reading our Highways & Byways newsletter! We farewell the incredible Liz McAloon as she finishes up eight years of growing Highways & Byways into what it is today! Liz hands over the baton of Executive Officer to Jane Collopy. Our newsletter...
20/12/21 | Annual Reports, Grant Stories, News, Newsletters
Greetings, We have reached the end of another challenging, yet wonderfully productive year for Highways and Byways. Thank you for the support we receive from across Australia – many small communities are helped because of your generous donations. The spirit of...
24/08/21 | Grant Stories, News, Newsletters
Greetings, We hope you enjoy a read of our latest newsletter. We have been receiving updates from some of our “Healing the Land” 2021 projects from across the country. Even within many areas of restrictions, organisations are adapting their projects and...
14/12/20 | Grant Stories, News, Newsletters
Thank you for your wonderful support in the challenging year of 2020. Our hopes are for a peaceful and safe summer in our beautiful land. See you in 2021! Our December 2020 edition of Highways and Byways is out now. Click here We profile a wonderful resilience...
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